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Recognizing Phishing Attempts

Verify Sender:
Carefully examine sender email addresses to ensure authenticity. Cybercriminals often use similar addresses to deceive us.

Exercise Caution with Links:
Before clicking on any links, hover over them to reveal the true URL. Be cautious of links requesting personal information.

Question Urgent Requests:
Be skeptical of emails demanding immediate action or generating a sense of urgency. Cybercriminals often exploit urgency to prompt hasty decisions.

Attachments from Unknown Senders:
Refrain from opening attachments sent by unfamiliar sources, as they may contain malicious content.

Familiarize Yourself with Fake Websites:
Cybercriminals may create fake websites that resemble legitimate ones. Always verify the website's URL before entering any personal information.

Spelling and Grammar Mistakes:
Be wary of emails with multiple spelling or grammatical errors. Legitimate organizations usually maintain professional communication standards.

Generic Signatures:
Look out for emails with generic signatures lacking specific names, titles, or contact information.

Unusual Sender Email Addresses:
Be cautious if the sender's email address seems unusual or unrelated to the organization.

Mismatched URLs:
Verify that the URLs in emails match the official domain of the organization. Cybercriminals often use slightly altered URLs.

Requests for Personal Information:
Be cautious of emails asking for sensitive information, even if they appear to be from trusted sources. Legitimate organizations rarely request sensitive data via email.